How to Search Different Locations and Apply for LAANC on Aloft Air Control on Web & Mobile
How to Search Different Locations and Apply for LAANC on Aloft Air Control on Web & Mobile
Watch this video to learn how to search for different locations than your current location and apply for a LAANC authorization in controlled airspace on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Apply for and Manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
How to Apply for and Manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
Watch this video to learn how to apply for and manage LAANC Authorizations on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Update a User Profile on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
How to Update a User Profile on the Aloft Air Control App and Web Dashboard
Watch this video to learn more to update your user profile on the Aloft Air Control app and web dashboard.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
How to Use Aloft Air Control for Individual Pilots
How to Use Aloft Air Control for Individual Pilots
The new Air Control mobile and web apps for free users combine the best of the original Aloft mobile apps with new data management features used by our enterprise customers.
It’s available now on iOS, Android, and the web.
Watch the video below to learn more about how to use Aloft Air Control.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team using the button below.
The Aloft Air Control Training Video Series

We are excited to introduce Aloft’s Air Control training video series. These seven short tutorial videos aim to help users learn all the functionality of the Aloft Air Control platform in sections.
Here is a brief description of each video in the series in order as they appear.
Click on the video cover image below to watch any of the seven videos in the series.
This video gives an introduction to Air Control and the functionality of the platform for drone pilot and fleet management.
This video explains how to take advantage of the management tools on Aloft Air Control’s web dashboard.
This video shows how to use the admin tools for managing users, roles, and workflows.
This video explains how to create missions on the web dashboard of Air Control.
This video explains how to create missions from the Air Control mobile app.
This video explains how to use filters, tags, and exports to organize and break down your enterprise drone program’s data for insights into the operations.
This video explains how to use Air Control’s reporting tools to analyze your enterprise drone program’s data.
View all the videos in the Aloft Air Control Tutorial playlist here.
Reach out to the Aloft team at or click the button below for a free demo of Aloft Air Control today.
Why is my LAANC grid gray?
The gray LAANC grids indicated areas where LAANC is currently disabled. If authorization is needed in these areas, please refer to FAA DroneZone.
Read more about Understanding Map Layers By Color on B4UFLY and Air Control Platforms here.
How do I file LAANC for someone else?
In the Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) platform, a UAS program manager can apply for a LAANC authorization on behalf of the UAS operator in the field who will be flying the mission, even if those people are scattered across the country. This saves time for the operator, gives a program manager a lot more flexibility to assign missions, and makes it much easier to track LAANC authorizations across an organization.
How do I know if I need Commercial or Recreational LAANC?
If you’re flying for profit or for commercial reasons (for a business) you should be operating as a Part 107 (Commercial) pilot.
Does LAANC unlock my DJI Geofence in a no-fly zone (NFZ)?
No. Even though we have authorization directly from the FAA, we still need to provide the drone with a DJI unlock code so the aircraft knows it’s okay to take off.
The first step for flying in controlled airspace is to receive our authorization. This can be through immediate LAANC approvals, further coordinated LAANC, or even an airspace authorization or waiver through the FAA's Dronezone.
You may also run into the DJI Geofence System in airspace that is not listed as controlled airspace by the FAA.
Once we have the authorization, we then have to tell the drone (specifically DJI hardware) that it's okay to fly. This is controlled through their Geofencing system, and you can receive an Unlock Code from DJI once you have authorization (done through their apps or their website). Based on their maps, if you're in a blue zone, you can request a "Self Unlock".
If you're in a red/restricted DJI zone, this will require a "Custom Unlock" through their website, and requires you to upload proof of your authorization. If you have an Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) Enterprise account, you can easily download your LAANC authorization as a .PDF from the Air Control web dashboard (Manage> Authorizations).
While it's currently a two-step process, we're working on making it a seamless experience where receiving authorization could also request this unlock code at the same time.
LAANC Authorizations Requiring Further Coordination
Instant LAANC authorizations at or below the FAAs predefined altitudes are available for everyone on the Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) platform. When requesting for higher altitudes, this requires submitting for "Further Coordination", which involves a manual review and approval process by the FAA/ATC.
Further coordination is a complex and largely misunderstood feature with high instances of people thinking they should "call the tower" even though the FAA specifically states not to, for example.
That's our goal and intent is to continue opening up more features and more airspace to all users.
FAA requests submitting these at least 48 hours in advance. After that, it is up to each airport for how quickly they go through their queue of requests. Usually, it's a few days, but we've seen everything from a few hours, to a few weeks, to no response at all. You can plan these requests up to 90 days in advance, so it's best to plan as far ahead as possible to give the FAA and ATC time to review and approve.
I’m trying to fly my DJI drone on my Android device. When I press Fly, a message pops up that says, “Connect your DJI drone just as you would with DJI Go to fly…..” I press OK and nothing!
- The cord is not providing a proper connection
- (Most likely) The Android OS asks for a default app preference for USB connections. Most likely this was set to the DJI app. Try clearing this out by going to Settings > Apps > DJI Go > "Set as Default" > Clear Defaults. Plugging the USB back in will prompt the device to recognize the new connection. You should now have the option to set the app as default or use only once.
Can I file a NOTAM?
We currently do not support filing NOTAMS from within Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk).
You can check for NOTAMS via the Aloft Dynamic Airspace maps.
Will the app provide contact information for governing authorities for controlled airspace other than UAS facility maps (ie. special use airspace, heliport, etc)?
Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) will provide the status of the designated airspace (special, restricted, etc.). It is up to each operator to determine whether or not any additional authorization is required before flight. We do not provide direct contact info for each controlling agency.
Can I change my map to satellite view?
Yes! This can be done by tapping on the layers button in the top right corner of the airspace map. Map layers can be found toward the bottom of this list.
Is there a legend for the airspace map?
Once you drop your pin on the airspace map, tap on the colored advisory button, or swipe up on the drawer, for a detailed breakdown of each of the advisories in the airspace around you.
How do I learn more about FAA airspace designations?
You can learn more about the different categories of Airspace via the FAA.
For more info specifically on Class E Airspace, please check here.
How can I fly in Aloft?
Settings and Connecting to your drone with FlightDeck
Step 1: Connect to the controller
From the main Preflight Dashboard, you’ll see the green "Configure" button. Turn on your controller and DJI drone. Once connected, the icon will update and the “Go fly” button will appear.
Tap to go fly.
Step 2: Setting Up Flight Deck
Log Settings
When you connect with Flight Deck, we’ll automatically set your aircraft and battery based on the serial number.
If we haven’t seen that aircraft or battery, we’ll display a popup that will allow you to add a new asset to your account or to link the asset that’s already saved in your account.
If we’ve already linked and recognized the serial number, the aircraft and battery(s) will be automatically set and remove an extra step in your workflow.
Flight Settings
Sending digital notice alerts participating airports and organizations of your flight plan. Especially if you’re a hobbyist, you’ll want to double-check that the airport accepts the digital notice.
Announcing the flight makes it public so that fellow pilots can see your flight and be aware of your airspace and where your drone is in real-time.
Enterprise users can also enable streaming from this screen.
Step 3: Checklist (if you so choose)
We’ve put convenient links for preflight actions so that you can easily log your checklist, risk assessments, authorization, etc., and return right back to Flight Deck and prepare for your flight.
Step 4: Fly
Once your aircraft and battery(s) are connected and you’ve set your notice and airspace settings, it’s time to start those props! "Fly" should now be enabled in the top-right corner.
Troubleshooting Flight Deck and Aircraft connection issues
Having issues connecting flight deck to your aircraft??
Occasionally you may encounter a version of the following issue:
- The Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) App states that it is connected to Aircraft
- When you tap flight deck the app prompts you to connect to the aircraft or hit refresh
- When you try that, neither option seems to work
If you're encountering this issue, try the following steps:
- Please make sure you're on the latest version
- Try cycling the aircraft/controller, and/or navigating to different screens on the app, and then back to the dashboard
On Android, the default application setting for this connection may be causing a problem. Please go into your app settings and clear out any default app settings for any applications related to this connection (DJI Go, Go 4, Pilot, etc.)
If you keep having issues, do send us a message at When you send a support request, it really helps us locate your problem faster if you provide the following details:
- Specific device (iPhone, iPad, etc)
- App version
- Aircraft firmware version
- Aircraft model
Calibrating your DJI's compass
Read this if you're looking to calibrate your DJI compass
Some customers have asked us if it's possible to calibrate their DJI through Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk).
Unfortunately at this time, we do not support this feature.
You can calibrate your DJI drone using the DJI app. Once you complete that, you'll be able to fly using Aloft Flight Deck.
How to install Aloft on DJI CrystalSky
Aloft (formerly Kittyhawk) is now available on DJI CrystalSky for our customers on SMB and Enterprise Customers.
Back in December 2017, we announced our plans to offer Aloft in DJI's CrystalSky. As promised, The Aloft Flight Deck platform is now available on the DJI CrystalSky for Enterprise customers. And because we’re a made in the USA security-focused alternative to other applications, we’ll have a secure location for you to download the APK along with a checksum so you can be assured the Aloft code you have hasn’t been tampered with or altered. Email us at to get the .apk file for your CrystalSky.