Aloft Geo: Frequently Asked Questions

Who can publish to Aloft Geo? Based on the current policy, only authoritative and/or government-related accounts will be verified and able to self-manage and publish air, ground, and safety-related advisory information. Where can users see Aloft Geo data? All advisory…

Understanding Map Layers By Color on B4UFLY and Air Control Platforms

Understanding what types of airspace different colored map layers indicate on the B4UFLY and Air Control Platform.As the Remote PIC,  knowledge of the regulations for the type of airspace you wish to operate in is essential for safe and compliant operations. For US drone pilots,…

LAANC at Night: Enabling Drone Operations at Night in Controlled Airspace

Understanding how to compliantly operate a UAS under Part 107 during civil twilight and night in controlled and uncontrolled airspace. As you likely already know, on January 15, 2021, the FAA published its final rule for the Remote…

Taking the FAA’s New Part 107 Recurrent Training Course

Your guide to taking the FAA’s updated Part 107 sUAS recurrent online training course and exam. Watch this video for guidance on the FAA’s updated Part 107 sUAS recurrent online training course and exam. On April 6th, the FAA released the revised…

Can I fly my drone near small airports in Class G uncontrolled airspace?

Understanding the FAA’s rules on drone operations near small airports in uncontrolled airspace. Watch this video to learn more about airspace advisories for small airports in uncontrolled airspace on the B4UFLY platform. Since the release of…

Understanding Common Temporary Flight Restrictions and UAS Operations: Wildfires, Stadiums & Secure Locations

Flight Restrictions Airspace is one of the most important areas of knowledge a drone operator needs in order to fly safely. For Part 107 operators, the FAA requires you to know about “Airspace classification, operating requirements, and flight restrictions affecting small…

Understanding Drone Regulations in National Parks, Forests and Wilderness Areas

At this time of year, a popular vacation option is visiting national parks or other land administered by the federal government, as well as state and local authorities. Many drone operators have taken their drones with them to these beautiful places and are rightfully confused…

How To Fly in Controlled Airspace that is NOT LAANC Enabled

Airspace authorizations enable compliant, recurrent operations in controlled airspace for scaling UAS programs Since the launch of LAANC for recreational users one year ago, users of all UAS have been utilizing LAANC to operate in controlled…

Guidance for Public Organizations About Whether to Operate Under Part 107 or COAs

If you are a public organization, there is a lot to think about when starting or growing a drone program. Once you have decided that you want to operate a drone as part of your non-recreational operations, the biggest question is how you want to go about operating legally. One…